
Transitioning from Pat 'Zweed n’ Roll' to 'MAMIO': Exploring the journey of love and breaking out of the safe zone through her inner self

‘Pat’ (Sutipat Sutiwanit), better known as ‘Pat Zweed n’ Roll,’ is a remarkable artist who has been in the music industry for more than 10 years, excelling as both a singer and songwriter with a distinctive style. Just her first line of singing can send chills down your spine.

Today, EQ had the opportunity to talk with Pat about another side of herself that she wants everyone to know under the name 'MAMIO'. Her debut song, inspired by music from the 70s-90s, retells her life experiences from a new perspective through Lo-fi, Electronic, and Thai Folk genres. Adding a spicy flavor to her new persona, this perfectly complements her fabulous single 'Withee Rak' or the Journey of Love.

Let's explore and get to know MAMIO better through this interview!

Why MAMIO? Where does this name come from?

"'MAMIO' comes from 'Mamiao'. Actually, my real name is 'Mamiao', not Pat, but people call me Pat because my full name is Sutipat Sutiwanit. Perhaps when I was a child, people didn't understand the meaning of 'Mamiao'. So, around years 5-6 in school, people began calling me Pat. It was probably easier, and then I just went along with it. By the time I reached high school, I had already accepted being called Pat."

Why did you want to bring back the name 'Mamiao'?

"I think it's because it's my identity. For Pat, it's more like a mask I wear to survive in society. Pat is like a quiet person, not very talkative, not really standing out too much."

What is the difference between 'Pat Zweed n' Roll' and 'MAMIO'?

"The difference? I think it's the persona. Mamiao is someone who is confident, somewhat bold, knows what she wants, what she likes, what she doesn't like, and is able to express it. Pat is more like someone who just floats around, like the wind; wherever it blows, I go."

What inspired you to create music that breaks away from your previous genre?

"I think I've been stepping out of my comfort zone every year. Even when I was with Zweed n' Roll, initially I sang with my eyes closed for most of the show. After a year or two, I started to open my eyes more. Back then, we didn't produce any Thai songs, but then we began experimenting with Thai songs. Everything has evolved. I don't want to limit myself to just one thing. I want to explore how far I can go. By the second album of Zweed n' Roll, I felt the urge to connect more with the audience, not just by telling our story but by making our music more accessible. With the third album, we took another step forward."

What are the challenges of becoming MAMIO?

I like the excitement, the thrill of taking risks. It's like feeling concerned but not really, not caring whether I'll succeed or not. Doing something you've never done can be scary, but in a good way.

Could you explain the concept of the song 'Withee Rak'?

"It's a song that reflects who MAMIO is and the story she wants to tell. Actually, this isn't the first song I've written for MAMIO, but it represents her current version. I wanted to create music that isn't static or too abstract, so I added movement to it. The concept came to me as I was about to sleep. Sometimes, when I struggle to sleep, I lie quietly and imagine seeing myself from a distance, further and further away, almost like an astral projection (laughs). In that state between waking and sleeping, images of dogs, cats, and the phrase 'Withee Rak' began to form naturally. The phrase intrigued me. I thought, 'If 'Withee Rak' were a person, that would be so cool.' I think this person is quite similar to me because I feel like I’m also on a journey of love. I’m a lover. So, I decided not to sleep and just sat down to write this song."

What are the good and bad aspects of 'Withee Rak' from MAMIO's perspective?

"I think love exists in a grey area; it's not just black or white. (EQ: You can't push it to one side?). No! Because it can be both good and bad. My journey of love might have been a bit too intense at times, but finding balance makes everything worthwhile."

'Withee Rak' is a part of being human, and MAMIO’s journey of love appears to be very humane. We'd like to know: what, in MAMIO's perspective, defines humanity?

"To answer briefly, humans are many things. They are full of love, greed, anger, and infatuation. Humans have very diverse and complex feelings. Since we are not special and we are not Buddhas, the only time we don't feel anything at all is when we reach nirvana (death). But we can't escape from those feelings because we are not dead yet."

Let's come back to the song, we heard MAMIO started from a demo on your mobile phone?

"Yes, because I started using GarageBand on my phone about a year ago. I'm quite low-tech when it comes to computer software like Logic Pro—I can't handle it. At that time, I had just undergone surgery and couldn't do much else. All I had was my phone and GarageBand. I wanted to make music, so I tapped out the beat and recorded my voice on the phone."

What was it like collaborating with Mick Petchpoom (Petchpoom Petchkaew)?

"It's like we didn't even have to say much. We just clicked. I sent my lyrics and demo, and Mick did everything perfectly. I was happy!"

What kind of song will be released next?

"The second song is quite different. I think it will be a surprise because I was surprised myself. It's the fastest song I've ever written. Usually, I write slow songs, but this one is much faster. It's something new I've never tried before. It has more electronic dance and rave vibes and upbeat music.”

Does MAMIO usually listen to upbeat songs?

"If it's too upbeat, not really. I don't usually attend events like techno parties. I've seen a few occasionally. I do like them, but sometimes I'm not free to go anywhere. In the beginning, I used to listen to Portishead. I like Trip Hop, Gorillaz, as well as Little Simz and such."

Does listening to songs that are different from the genre you play help you perform as yourself?

"My performance? I think it comes from what I feel and want to communicate. If the content is intense, it comes out intense, even though I don't listen to genres like metal or hardcore stuff. For singers I like, even if they aren't in the rock genre, everyone has some craziness in them, and I like that about them (laughs)."

What are MAMIO's goals and expectations?

"I want people to remember my voice. No matter which genre it goes into, it should captivate people. I don't want to hold onto something too much, just let it flow. Life is like that, constantly changing. So I can be anything."

In the future, is there anyone you want to collaborate with? Like your ultimate collab goal?

"Little Simz for sure. I think she's cool. I like her a lot."

What about Thai artists, who would you like to collaborate with?

"Umm... let me think. Rejizz, I guess, since I want to do something new. I like the gangster vibe. Right now, they are being playful with Thainess, and I also want to try."

Is there anything you'd like to say to fans who follow ‘Pat Zweed n' Roll’ and are about to follow ‘MAMIO’?

"Thank you to everyone who supports Zweed n' Roll's music. Without you, there would be no us. Fans are incredibly important to us, they're the reason our band has survived to this day. Please also support ‘MAMIO’. It's another new color for me, and I want everyone to embrace and go with it. I'm very happy, excited, and proud to present this to you all."

You can now listen to 'Withee Rak' by 'MAMIO' on all streaming music channels. You won’t be disappointed. It's bound to be more thrilling than ever. You can also follow more news about her on MAMIO, @m_a_m_i_o_ and Warner Music Thailand.

Big thanks to Nortboys Coffee and Ver Gallery for the interview space.